
Every year on the last weekend of August, the festival to mark the end of the Somme takes place on the beach. 


There is live music from around 10 p.m. and a small fireworks display.


 The promenade and the beach are then full of people.



Torre del Mar Air Show



Every year on the first weekend in September a spectacular flight show took place here on the beach. 

The main day is Sunday. 

The show starts around 11 a.m. and lasts until the afternoon.

Parachutists and the rescue dog team can also be seen from formation flights of propeller planes and helicopters. 

Even a loud Eurofighter shows what it can do. 

A loudspeaker is used to explain who is currently showing off their skills. 

Training flights will start on Friday morning, starting with the Eurofighter. 

The show can be seen on YouTube.




Formation propeller aircraft



Tandem jumper

Police helicopter

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